This is a simple one-page office moving checklist to help office personnel prepare for an efficient well-organized office move which will help save your organization time and money.
- Do: Use only the special move “tags” that your mover has provided. Tag everything no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential! For example; when a desk has a removable return, both pieces must be tagged. Bundles of computer cables, floor mats, white boards, trash cans, typewriters, individual computer components and peripherals, etc... must all be individually tagged. Items not tagged will not be moved!
- Do: Tag items in locations that are easy for the mover to spot. For example...
- Tag bookcases on the top
- Tag chairs on the back rest
- Tag storage cabinets and file cabinets on the front top
- Tag desks, tables and credenzas on the top work surface
- Tag boxes on the ends - do not place tags for boxes on the top of the box!
- Do Not: Use your name when labeling, tagging, and marking. Use your assigned number only. Placement of furniture and equipment at your new facility will be identified by number, not by name. If you do not know your assigned number, see your company’s move manager who will assign a number for you to use.
- Do: Completely empty the contents of the following articles (these items will be flipped on end onto 4-wheel dollies and if not emptied the contents will fall out)...
- Do Not: Empty vertical (the narrow type) file cabinets - these will be moved full.
- Do: Leave only the two (2) bottom drawers of lateral (the wide type) file cabinets full - all drawers above the bottom two drawers must be completely emptied!
- Do: Plan on making all electrical and mechanical disconnections yourself (unless other specific arrangements have been made with your mover).
- Do Not: Move photocopiers or printers with toner installed inside. Notify all service or lease agents that you are moving photocopier or computer equipment that is under contract.
- Do: Secure personal items such as money, computer disks, and items of personal value. Take these items with you to your new office location.
Final Employee Checklist
- Is desk empty?
- Are supply cabinets cleared?
- Are file drawers locked?
- Are wall items taken down?
- Are breakable items properly packed?
- Are typewriter carriages centered?
- Typewriters and other machines disconnected?
- Are “Do Not Move” tags placed?
- Are liquids drained from equipment?
- Are loose casters removed?
- Are desk pads and chair pads tagged?
- Is everything tagged and marked?
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