All Moving Tips and Guides

Welcome to our moving guides & tutorials pages where we've assembled many informative guides, frequently asked questions, tips and articles which we hope you find helpful. If you have any questions about how to prepare for your relocation (or your logistics or warehousing project) please don't hesitate to contact us...or use this form to request a free no-obligation moving cost estimate or project consultation...

Atlas household goods interstate loss or damage liability valuation options

Moving Loss Damage Liability The Order For Service you will sign with Atlas provides two options for placing a value on your shipment. The value that you select sets the limit of Atlas’ maximum liability for loss or damage to your goods. These optional levels of liability are not insurance agreements that are governed by state…
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Insurance (Valuation) Articles  •  2,414 views  •  0 comments

What is the mover's high value inventory form?

Movers high value inventory The moving company's High Value Inventory form is used to identify and account for articles which have extraordinary value. These articles are considered to be a "high value items."  The High Value Inventory Form is used to identify such high value items so that they can be properly accounted…
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Employee-Relocation, Insurance (Valuation) Articles  •  9,369 views  •  0 comments

The uninsured mover - A homeowners recipe for financial disaster

Uninsured Moving Companies "Accidents Happen." But what most homeowners don't realize is that if a worker is injured on their property, it is you -- the homeowner -- who can be held liable for all medical costs unless the employee is covered by workers compensation insurance. Hospital bills for serious accidents can be…
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Insurance (Valuation) Articles  •  5,869 views  •  0 comments

How to manage relocation moving stress

How to manage relocation moving stress Death, divorce and moving are said to be the three most stressful experiences in life. The stresses of buying and selling are enough to make many people feel overwhelmed. Taking care of yourself in the process, making sure you understand what's going on, and increasing your sense of control can…
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Managing Relocation Stress  •  2,184 views  •  0 comments

DIY Checklist for moving your home

DIY Checklist For Moving Your Home So you've decided to make a move this summer. Are you ready to box up everything you own - all the possessions that mean "home" to you and your family - and ship them to another part of the country? It's no wonder that moving is ranked among life's most stressful events. However, with the proper…
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Managing Relocation Stress  •  1,637 views  •  0 comments

The 8 Most Forgotten Things When You Move

Moving To Do List In the midst of the packing and moving chaos, it's not surprising that some items are often left behind at your old home...and odds are that even the most organized person may not remember every single detail. To help you remember, we've put together a top 8 list of the most commonly forgotten…
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Managing Relocation Stress  •  1,669 views  •  0 comments

Moving with your children - Helping children cope with moving

Moving with children By American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - Moving to a new community may be one of the most stress-producing experiences a family faces. Frequent moves or even a single move can be especially hard on a youngster, and this stress occurs even when there are siblings. Moves interrupt…
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Managing Relocation Stress  •  1,762 views  •  0 comments

Moving and how to travel with your pet

Moving pets Dogs, cats, and most other warm-blooded animals transported in commerce are protected by the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) enforces this law. APHIS’ shipping regulations help ensure that people who transport…
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Managing Relocation Stress  •  1,723 views  •  0 comments

How to move medical equipment, medical machines, and electronic equipment

Moving medical equipment & medical machines Eventually you or your company  may need to ship high-value medical equipment, machinery, or other sensitive electronic equipment and when you do pays to be aware of the pitfalls present when transporting such shipments, including insurance, documenting loss or damage claims, receiving cost…
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Moving Electronics & Trade Shows  •  2,196 views  •  0 comments

The complete trade show glossary exhibit glossary and display glossary

Trade Show Moving Company Glossary AV Audio/visual support such as television monitors, VCRs, or taped music. AV Contractor A supplier of audio/visual equipment and services. Advance Order An order for services sent to the service contractor prior to the installation date. Compare with Floor Order…
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Moving Electronics & Trade Shows  •  1,652 views  •  0 comments
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