The 8 Most Forgotten Things When You Move

Christopher Noblit
Moving To Do List

In the midst of the packing and moving chaos, it's not surprising that some items are often left behind at your old home...and odds are that even the most organized person may not remember every single detail. To help you remember, we've put together a top 8 list of the most commonly forgotten items when you move. Adding these 8 items to your "moving to do list" will help you achieve a less stressful moving experience. So here is what we believe to be the 8 most forgotten articles when you move...

1) Your Family Records
Obtaining copies of your medical records, including your dentist, veterinarian and vaccine/immunization information can often be overlooked so remember to collect copies of your (and your family's) doctor, dental, veterinarian records and\or school records. In addition, school records are usually required when registering your child at a new school. Often, copies will not be sufficient, and records with a raised seal will be necessary.

2) Your Local Business Transactions
Don't leave your prescriptions, dry cleaning, safe deposit box contents or any other local business transactions behind.

3) Advise Everyone of Your New Address
Don't forget to advise all parties of your new mailing address: credit card companies, United States Postal Service, magazine subscriptions and pet micro-chipping services...everyone will need to know where to find you when you move! In addition, if you have a landline (home telephone) make sure to have calls to your old home landline phone number forwarded to your new primary telephone number. Teachers and credentialed professionals may have also have licensure agencies which should be notified of your new address.

4) Leave That Old Stuff Behind
Don't forget to leave your old house keys, garage door opener behind for your old home's new owners.

5) Should It Go Onto The Mover's Truck?
Think about which articles you may not want to have loaded onto the mover's truck. You may decide that papers such as bearer bonds, stock certificates, birth certificates and passports are too important to put in a box on the mover's truck. You may want to personally carry these articles when you make the trip to your new home...or entrust them to a courier service such as Federal Express.

6) Don't Forget Spot and Fluffy
We know you won't leave them behind, but do you have current photographs of Spot and Fluffy? Pets sometimes become disoriented when they move and can run away and become separated from you and your family; current photographs may help you find them. In addition, in most cases, moving companies cannot transport animals, so remember to make travel plans for Spot and Fluffy as well.

7) Plant a Seed
In most cases federal transportation law prohibits moving companies from transporting plants when delivery cannot be completed overnight or over 150 miles. As a result you'll want to make certain that you have a plan for your the plants which you've nurtured and cared for over the years.

8) Do You Need to Change Your Email Addresses?
Some folks subscribe to local internet service providers who provide their customers with an email address in addition to internet service. When the customer moves and cancels their local internet service, the customer's email address is also cancelled. If this is the case for you, you'll need to obtain a new email address from a national email provider such as Google's Gmail service.

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