Moving Overseas

Avatar moves families, products, offices, medical equipment, machinery, trade shows, exhibits, and high value equipment all over the world.. We provide high quality overseas packing and overseas international moving service for shipments of household goods, personal effects, medical equipment, electronics, trade shows, exhibits, displays, artwork and antiques...

FAQ: Moving from the United States to the United Kingdom (England)

Moving from the USA to the UK FAQ By Greg Sandell - This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions by people planning to move from America to the UK. Topics relate to practical matters of moving as well as tips on what the experience is like. Possibly also useful to anyone traveling to the UK, or moving to Europe in general. Note…
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The complete guide to international overseas moving

Overseas moving guide International moves require many changes. These range from the simple everyday basic necessities, such as your household electrical appliances, to the professional and cultural aspects. With this in mind, you will realize that the costs incurred for this type of visit will be repaid many times over…
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Overseas international moving insurance basics

Overseas international moving insurance basics By Christopher Noblit - Household goods moving from one country to another are exposed to a variety of risks associated with sea and air transportation, port and terminal activity, and possible customs inspection. As with insuring your home against fire or other disasters, the odds that you will…
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International Overseas moving tips

International Overseas moving tips "International Moving" is a generic term, but it applies to companies who participate in the packing, loading, and transportation of household items and personal effects from your current residence to your foreign residence. Conversely, if you are looking to ship commercial products or packages to…
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The international overseas shippers letter of instruction

Shippers letter of instruction The Shipper's Letter of Instruction and the needless assumption of shipment liability during the movement of overseas international shipments: For far too long, far too many moving and storage agents in this country have accepted a liability needlessly. By furnishing a "shipper" with an…
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