By Cristopher Noblit
The process of coding floor plans is the first step in developing a logical, cost effective move plan. Your strategy is to implement a system of tagging and marking to prepare the move to flow in a logical and fluid manner. Every item to be moved must be identified and labeled (tagged) so that it may be placed by the mover in it’s exact location at the new facility.
A tag also instructs a mover how to handle that item, for example:
Placement of furniture and equipment at your new facility is best identified by number, not by name. When coding the floor plan each person and each area being moved must be identified with a single room or area number. To create a labeling system for your move, start with a copy of your new floor plan. Each office, workstation, conference room, supply room, file area, etc., is assigned a unique area number. The numbers should be assigned in sequential order so that area number 1 is adjacent to area 2, and so on.
To identify placement locations multiple copies of the floor plans (marked with the appropriate information) should be posted at key entrances and interior locations throughout the new facility. Placards with room/area numbers must be affixed to the entrance of each individual area and/or room. The movers will refer to these floor plans and placards when placing your items. Your company representatives should also carry hand held copies of the coded floor plan for quick reference during the move. We will require an individual floor plan for each area (which is often referred to as an “office layout”). The completed layouts should be taped to the door of each office, so that the movers can refer to them when placing items within that area.
An example of our method for an office layout is shown below. Each individual item is assigned a number which corresponds to it’s placement location on the floor plan. In this example the employee’s room/area number is 15. A dash (“-”) is placed after the number and each individual piece of furniture is assigned a numbered location which corresponds to the number shown on your floor plan.
Everything must be tagged. For example; when a desk has a removable return, both pieces are tagged. Each piece of computer equipment is tagged (i.e.: monitor, case, keyboard, and cable bundle). Everything must be tagged no matter how seemingly inconsequential (i.e.: floor mats, white boards, trash cans, etc...). Items without a tag will not be moved.
For moves where there are multiple floors or entrances, separate color labels can be used to differentiate the floor or space. Please consult with us before assigning separate colors. When creating a labeling system please make sure that every number is unique.
Please remember; we have provided you with a cost to place each item once. Proper tagging and marking will be the key element in achieving single placement efficiency, cost savings and an organized and professional relocation.
We hope that you find our suggestions helpful. If you have any questions regarding preparations for your move, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (631) 775-9815.
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