Do the movers unpack the boxes?

When I move with your company, do the movers unpack the boxes which they packed when I moved out or my old home? - Bengi

Thank you for your question Bengi. Yes, a moving company will unpack the boxes which they packed at origin. However, you should be aware of the following caveats...

  • First, moving companies charge extra for unpacking boxes, so having the mover unpack boxes will add to your move cost.
  • Second, it should be understood that when movers unpack boxes they don't put box contents away; as a result the entire contents of all of the boxes is placed onto every available surface (tables, counters, etc.) in your new home. The result is that you will be left with a more then a bit of a mess which can add to your stress and there is still much work organizing and putting everything away.
  • Third, we recommend that you perform the unpacking of your boxes over several days (or over several weeks). This will allow you enough time to plan, organize and clean when you put the unpacked box contents away into cabinets, closets, shelves and storage spaces.
  • Fourth, those who are able to afford it may want to hire a part time maids (or 2) to come into your new home for a day or two to help unpack the boxes, organize the contents, clean and help put stuff away.
  • Fifth, moving companies will not usually unpack any boxes which you have packed yourself; movers only unpack the boxes which the movers packed when they loaded your shipment at you origin (old) residence.

Thanks again for your good question Bengi!

unpacking boxes

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