My moving delivery date

I am moving from New York to Colorado and Avatar estimated that I have 14,000 pounds. What day do you need to load to give me a delivery on September 11th?

Thank you for your question! Because there are many shipments on the truck that moves you we need a "delivery window" of days to deliver your shipment. In the moving industry this is called the "Delivery Spread." This Delivery Spread is required because the mover doesn't know what position your shipment will occupy on the truck: if you are the last shipment loaded then you will be the first shipment unloaded and your delivery will happen quickly...but if you are the first shipment loaded you will be the last shipment unloaded and your shipment will take longer to arrive at your new home. In addition, the truck that moves you will carry 4 to 10 shipments, and we never know what position any given shipment will occupy on the moving truck until (usually) the day before the shipment is scheduled to load. Therefore, to plan all of the dates for loading and delivery of all the shipments on the truck, we work with "Delivery Spreads."
 As a result, we cannot provide you with a single delivery date for your shipment. For your size shipment (14,000 pounds) moving 1,800+ miles, our  Transit Time Guide calls for a recommended Delivery Spread of 3 to 9 days. For example, if we your shipment loaded on 9/8/2009 our Transit Time Guide calls for a delivery of 9/11/09 to 9/17/09 (3 to 9 days from 9/8/09 load date). With Atlas Van Lines' approval we may be able to trim 1 or 2 days off of the recommended transit time...however...if I promised you a set/single delivery date for your shipment I would be misleading you and your shipment would be late...and we will not do that because we do not mislead our customers.

Thanks again for your question.

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