Avatar Relocation of NY Inc. is a high-quality full service specialized relocation, transportation, logistics and warehouse storage service provider located in Yaphank, Long Island, New York. Avatar Relocation transports and stores shipments of household goods, high-value medical equipment, electronics, artwork, store fixtures, office furniture, exhibits and displays.
Avatar Relocation of NY Inc.
445 Sills Road, Unit J
Yaphank, NY11980-2300 USA
(631) 775-9815 Phone
- Send us an email
- Use this free estimate form to request a free cost estimate or project consultation
- Fax (spam faxes have become a problem, so please call us for our fax number)
- Open a Google map to find our location
Atlas Van Lines Affiliation
Avatar Relocation is an Agent for Atlas Van Lines, a recognized leader in domestic and overseas transportation and logistics services. Headquartered in Evansville, Indiana, Atlas Van Lines comprises a family of companies that deliver transportation and related services globally through a network of quality agents and select service partners. Atlas is distinguished by agent ownership and a shared commitment to help people and companies go new places more easily and more securely. Through a continuing emphasis on service excellence, the company has achieved extraordinary growth.
Avatar Licenses & Corporate Insurance
Avatar operates by authority of New York State Department of Transportation License No.T7485. For interstate moves Avatar operates under the Federal interstate authority of Atlas® Van Lines and Federal Department of Transportation U.S. DOT No. 125550. Avatar maintains Comprehensive Public Liability including General, Automotive, Cargo Legal Liability, and Workman's Compensation Insurance to assure that homeowners are not financially liable for worker injuries that might occur on the customer's property.
Avatar Code of Ethics
- Provide honest and accurate estimates in accordance with published tariffs.
- Adhere strictly to a policy of Truth in Advertising.
- Provide good, clean facilities and equipment operated by qualified personnel.
- Use improved methods of packaging/handling to ensure maximum safety of shipments.
- Comply with all rules and regulations set forth for our industry by the New York State Department of Transportation and any other regulatory agency governing our industry.
- Give fair and honest consideration to all complaints and to settle claims promptly and equitably within legal limitations.
Company Quality Programs
Avatar Relocation's commitment to excellence helps insure our customer's satisfaction and the Atlas World-Class Commitment Quality Focus program evaluates Atlas agencies in 12 categories which most impact the quality of service our customers receive. The Atlas World-Class Commitment quality program serves to recognize agents who exceed quality standards in the areas of customer service, customer satisfaction, estimating accuracy, claims ratio and compliance with Atlas’ other standards of excellence.
As a member of the Atlas Van Lines agency family, Avatar Relocation subscribes to the Atlas Van Lines World-Class Commitment to quality. By doing so, Avatar agrees to take the necessary steps to meet or exceed the quality service standards which Atlas has established. The Atlas World-Class Commitment is an unending quest for improvement and the following pages of objectives and standards outline what Avatar Relocation will do to provide the best possible service for its customers.
The objectives and standards will be monitored and updated when it is determined that a change will benefit our customers.
The Avatar/Atlas Quality Policy Statement
- We understand that our primary mission is service to our customers. They make it possible for us to grow and prosper. It is our goal to be recognized as the leading provider of quality transportation service in our industry.
- We believe that attaining this position is a continuing journey in search of excellence.
- We believe that such a commitment to excellence means accepting only the very best efforts of our drivers, agents and staff in service to our customers and to each other.
- We will meet and exceed our customers' expectations.
- Atlas Van Lines has focused the superior ability of its agency network, drivers and corporate staff for the sole purpose of achieving and maintaining the goals of this quality process.
Avatar Relocation commits to work harmoniously with Atlas headquarters, drivers and fellow agents to exceed our customers' expectations. In order to better enhance the services provided to our customers, it is agreed that the communication between Avatar and Atlas headquarters will be conducted in a timely manner, thus enabling our customers to receive the quality service we have dedicated to them.