Conducting an employee move orientation is not only useful for your employees, but also useful for you. Many times this type of interaction will identify problems before they become significant and allow you to address the issues before they happen. This guide provides a convenient management checklist for your office or warehouse move.
Move Day Minus 4 Weeks:
- Meet with moving company representative to finalize schedule
- Refine schedule & responsibilities
- Assign move numbers and label colors and review with moving company representative
- Create employee move packet/instructions
- Prepare agenda and content for employee move orientation meeting
- Identify items of “high-value”
- Discuss coverage during move with your insurance carrier
- Declare items of “high-value” to the mover in writing
Important Questions To Ask:
- Changes in the schedule or responsibilities can impact the cost of the move. Check with representative to see how change might impact the cost.
- Will you want to conduct a purge campaign to discard files and items you will not need at the new location?
- Are there any potential delays to moving in?
- Are any special insurance policies required to cover items during the move?
- Where do you want to stage cartons in your office for employees to access?
Move Day Minus 3 Weeks:
- Conduct employee move orientation meeting
- Distribute employee move packets schedule carton delivery
- Distribute moving labels
- Identify “special care” items & review with moving company
- Schedule individuals to be on-site during the move
- Establish method of communication for the move i.e. cell phones, radios etc.
- Important Questions To Ask:
- Conducting an employee move orientation is not only useful for your employees, but also useful for you. Many times this type of interaction will identify pre-problems and allow you to address the issues before they happen.
- Have any new issues been raised that I have missed in my planning?
- Are there any conflicts with related vendors performing services during the project?
- Are the employees & move coordinators absolutely clear on what is expected of them?
Move Day Minus 2 Weeks:
- Cartons & labels delivered
- Define lost & found area at the new location
- Create emergency preparedness plan for move:
- Elevator maintenance on-call
- Building contacts for off-hours
- Moving company contact for off-hours
- Contact for it personnel & supplier off-hours
- Contact for telecommunications & IT suppliers off-hours
Important Questions To Ask:
- Who will be away from the office during the move and how will their responsibilities be addressed?
- Has packing & labeling responsibility been assigned for common areas such as supply rooms, file rooms, and kitchens etc.?
- Have i lined up emergency contact information for all suppliers during the move?
Move Week:
- Confirm all building reservations
- Conduct supervisor orientation meeting with moving company
- Complete and thorough review of labeling, sequence, schedule, facility protection and items requiring special care
- Walk the space and check progress, be seen and accessible to answer lots of questions!
- Confirm schedules of those who will be on-site during the move
- Distribute cell phone radio or other communication devices
- Post signage at the destination including floor plans, office layout diagrams and individual placards on cubicles
- Make individual copies of floor plans and distribute to those who will be on-site during the move
- Survey and take note of the new facility for any existing damage to the walls, door jams or floor coverings
Move Day:
- Assign move coordinators to origin & destination
- Be prepared to direct movers and answer questions regarding placement of items make list of items requiring adjustments for the moving crew at the end of the move
- Monitor any items going to designated lost and found area
- Complete final walk through with move supervisor at the old facility to make sure all items have been moved
- Fine tune, cleanup and rearrange at the end of the job
Important Items To Note:
Your customers (the employees of your company) are typically not on-site during the move. Often the project is informally evaluated by how the office appears the first working day after the move.
- Are all cartons stacked neatly labels facing out?
- Are the hallways free of debris left over from the move?
- Are you prepared to quickly and efficiently handle their inquiries?
After The Move Has Been Completed:
- Manage inquiries from employees
- Make list of items requiring attention
- Survey for any potential damage to the space or your assets
- Schedule follow up crew for post move activity
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